Agent Foxglove


Agent Foxglove of the Protectors of the Plot Continuum. Foxglove is not exactly based on anyone in particular, her character just popped into my head one day and demanded to be written about. I seem to get a lot of those. At the time of drawing this, I don't know what her real name is (what modern parent would name their child Foxglove? That's just her PPC name, and she does have another that her parents call her). I do know she is African on her father's side, Bengali on her mother's, and she and her five siblings (older sister and brother, twin younger brothers and one younger sister) were brought up in Devon, England. (Yes, I've probably let her in for a major identity crisis.) Her father is a doctor, which is where she learned which parts of the anatomy hurt most to punch when dealing with Mary Sues. She is cheerful, bouncy and seems to use her outgoing personality to make up for her tiny size (five foot two at age fifteen and unlikely to grow any taller). She originally took the PPC job when she was fifteen, to save up money for college where she planned to study languages and become a translator, but she's become attached to the job, and to her work partner Laburnum (see the Art page), so she may stick around HQ instead. Of course, since time in HQ runs more like time in Narnia than in the "real world", she could do both. She has a gift for languages, but mostly uses it to pick up foreign obscenities to scream at the console when it beeps as she is trying to nap. And I am fully aware that she bears a certain resemblance to the heroine of "Bend It Like Beckham", but I assure you, that's pure coincidence.


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